About Us
About Barnes & Klatt, P.C.
Barnes & Klatt was established in 2000 by Dr. Ann Barnes and Dr. Sylvia Klatt. In setting up the new practice, Dr. Barnes and Dr. Klatt sought to provide a unique service to residents of the northwest Chicago suburbs. They have brought together a team of caring professionals who are dedicated to helping people find real solutions to real problems.
Mental health recovery is a process. We firmly believe in treating the whole person – body, mind and spirit. When that balance is successfully achieved, the individual or group is empowered to live a meaningful life and to achieve their full potential.
Our practice understands that the quality of the interpersonal therapeutic relationship is vitally important to the positive outcome of the treatment experience.
We are pleased to offer the highest quality treatment for individuals of all ages, as well as couples and families. As clinically appropriate we collaborate with a wide range of treatment providers and healthcare professionals. —Dr. Ann Barnes and Dr. Sylvia Klatt
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